AAA stands for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.
It runs in server or proxy mode.
Diameter or RADIUS protocol is used between ASN-GW and AAA, or Billing and AAA.
There are three authentication methods for authentication, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS and EAP-AKA.
It carreis out session management, access control and ACR diagnose.
Our advanced WiMAX AAA provides more funtions.
- Fixed and mobile type
- Stable active-active redundancy and database replication
- X.509 certificate
- Legacy billing via CDR, PPS via RAIDUS, OCS via Diameter
- Provisioing via HTTP
- WiMAX Forum and International standards compliant
- Voucher generation
- Hot-lining by ASN-GW or HA
- Dynamic QoS control by Policy Controller
- WiMAX/WiFi Roaming
- Interworking with other AAA
- Database migration
- OMA-DM interface
- Lawful Intercept interface