Monday, September 6, 2010

About AAA(Authentication Authorization Accounting)

AAA stands for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.
It runs in server or proxy mode.
Diameter or RADIUS protocol is used between ASN-GW and AAA, or Billing and AAA.
There are three authentication methods for authentication, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS and EAP-AKA.
It carreis out session management, access control and ACR diagnose.

Our advanced WiMAX AAA provides more funtions.
- Fixed and mobile type
- Stable active-active redundancy and database replication
- X.509 certificate
- Legacy billing via CDR, PPS via RAIDUS, OCS via Diameter
- Provisioing via HTTP
- WiMAX Forum and International standards compliant
- Voucher generation
- Hot-lining by ASN-GW or HA
- Dynamic QoS control by Policy Controller
- WiMAX/WiFi Roaming
- Interworking with other AAA
- Database migration
- OMA-DM interface
- Lawful Intercept interface

Thrilled to supply WiMAX AAA to Hayatele in Kuwait

Thrilled to supply our advanced WiMAX AAA solution to Hayatel in Kuwait.
This is our 16th commerial delivery to provide our AAA solution to WiMAX service operators around the world.
More contracts are waiting for us. Will be updated soon!